Instructies voor de site:Nederlands.

Ok.Als je een bericht achter wil laten in het Forum,klik op het merk:Forum.Dan zie je allemaal Forums!Veel plezier!



The Cuty Jirachi! Say what you think of this message!
Go to Reactions!And give your critics!
You can give me special offers to add on this site!


What do you think of this Site?

The titel says it!Place your Reaction Under this message!Like "I like the Pokémon Hacks!"Like that!


Get Ready for Hacks!!

I get some hacks that i put on my Site!So,look on the hacks!They are SUPER!!!!!!!!



As you know,we are hidden after a other Site!This is special because we can get all things of our Head Quarter!This Site!!!!!So if you have an IDEA!Send us via PokemonIndigo or Reactions!
And Send your Username of Pokemon Indigo and if you wanna be a Member of this Site!(Look for the rules by:Become a Member!)Then,you can ask us everything!



This is the Cheat to get IC$42000000,-!And more!Subscribe to the room of rif raf4!And send him a message with:I have Subscribed your Room!Wait,Wait and then!You have 42 million!

(P.S.Maybe this cheat doesn't work!But Try!)


Well,i am wolfpokemon1 !The Producer of this Site and a Member by PokémonIndigo!
I have 3 things to say!Don't Curse!Send me no "Strange Offers"!And join the Site i made!
I hope you Enjoy on this site!

Become a Member of This Site!!!

Become now a Member!!Get all of the Time the adress of this site!Get Info over players of Pokémon Indigo!
You may ask us all the Time for money!You get messages of us on Pokémon Indigo!If you will Trade but you don't know if that's a good Trade,You can ask us!!And get a Special Cheat!(Only if you ask!)
So you can be a Member!First,go to this link! Then,go to your account!
Typ by Friendlist in:wolfpokemon1
Or typ by Friendlist in:Sil Hooijsma(It is very well if you do this 2 accounts!)Then,send a message with the adress of this site.(That's the Password!)Then we will React you with:OK!And you will get Cool Sites!
So,Be a Member!!!!And click too on Follow this site!
It will be fun!And if you gain cool cheats,give it us!

The Best Pokemon Cheats Ever!

Go now to and get start cheating!!!!!

Cool Game!

Ok.Click this if you want ACTION!!!
You must save soldiers and get them in the Medical!But there are Bombs on the way!It's the best Run And Shoot game!You must try it!

All of my Marks.Click on the marks to show my Forums,News or other things!

Links of Forums of this site!

Want TTDS or R4 Information and other things?Look at this!

It's simply!Click on this URL:
Here you find any kind of information!

We should have some other Cheats!!!!

Yes!Here we go!The Great Update!!!!!We should get other cheats from other sites!Don't think:"What?That's a cheat from a other site!"Because it's normal!
So we should have from now on cheats from other games on PC,Gameboy AD,Gameboy C and DS(Lite and I)!So,get ready for more cheats!!!!!!!Enjoy!

Cheat for Pokémon Platinum/Pearl/Diamond!

First,you have to go to
or for Platinum:
Then,click on Pokemon generator.Go in your Game to Jubilife
and talk on 3rd floor with the Manager.Add the words that you get on the site.You will get a new WallPaper!!!

A New Cheat!

Ok,first you go into and have a pokémon.Then,train him and battle The young Trainer:Kiddy.You will defeat him simply and do this over and over!And you will get a whole bunch of Money and Exp.!

Cheats for Electricman 2!

I have some cheats for you!
Round 1.:This ones are bad!Tip:Use the swipe!(Press D!)
Round 2.:This ones can you give a BAM!Tip:Use Slowmotion attacks like:Q W E (Cheat:typ them all in!You can get then a Cool Kick-Punch-Smash Combo!)
Round 3.:This enemy's can foresee all your attacks!Be Careful!
Tip:Use a Punch or Grab!Kicks doesn't work!(Cheat:Give only a Kick in Slowmotion!W)
Champions:Be Careful!They are with 8 Players!Use all attacks you know!!
A Codefor Load:Latios X.]ASLQ
This really work!If it doesn't work,message me on Indigo!
This are a lot of Cheats,Cheat Codes and other things for Electricman 2!Play the game on
Really Do it!It's a fine game!

A Cheat for Platinum!:Half Time to Hatch!

Get a Pokémon with Flame Body like Magby,Magmar and Magmortar and a egg.Walk and Battle around and the Hatch Time will cut to the Half!P.S.This cheat works too on Diamon and Pearl!

Very,Very Difficult Cheat!:The Dark Cheat.

!!!WARNING!!!This is very Difficult!Most of the Time this cheat Doesn't work!1 on the 1000000000 has a good one!
Ok.First,Go to the PokéShop.Buy a Master-Ball.Then,Look at Rooms of wolfpokemon1 .Then,Subscribe to all of the rooms.In the last room,if you have all the rooms Subscribed,will appear a Arceus,Groudon,Darkrai and a Giratina.Fight this Pokémon and Defeat them.Then,there will appear all Shiny Starters in Last Evolution.Defeat them.
Then,the last Pokémon will Appear.That will be a Shadow Rayquaza.Throw the Master-Ball.If you have the Shadow Rayquaza,all of your Pokémon will be Shiny and lv.100,and you have all the Pokémon you Defeated!!

Cheat:For Platinum!Diamond Dust!

First,you must on 12 Jan. go to SnowPoint City with Fly!(No other things!)Then,you see Diamond Dust Snow!How can this happen?The Producer Of Pokémon Platinum is on 14 Jan. celabrate his Birthday!

Pokémon Indigo Cheat:All Dark Pokémon!

OK!First,click with the left in the middle.Hold it.Then,scroll down over your Pokémon.And...All your Pokémon are Dark!

Cool Rooms On Indigo!

Rooms of:wolfpokemon1
Rooms of:F-ZERO.JP
Rooms of:winter